Though everyone's first priority after the earthquake was to check on the safety of family and friends, people returned to work within a few days. 每个人在灾后的第一选择都是相互确认家人或朋友是否安全,然后在几天后再重新回到工作岗位。
On the basis of slotted ALOHA, the authors have resolved the problem of priority of random multiple address system in which the inquiring pulses check the information channel and active repeat control the random delay. 在SlottedALOHA系统的基础上,采用探询式脉冲检测信道,利用主动重发和被动重发中对随机延时的控制,解决了优先权的设计问题。
Because of the differences of the comparison qualities given by experts, the new priority method used the different weight coefficients among the group comparison matrices and also makes a consistency check upon the matrices. 鉴于不同专家所给判断矩阵质量上的差异,广义最小偏差排序方法对群组判断矩阵进行不同程度的加权处理,并进行群组一致性检验。
The priority weights of hierarchy elements can be determined and the consistence check of comparison matrix can be done by using AGA AHP. 利用该法,可同时确定层次各元素相对重要性的排序权值和进行判断矩阵的一致性检验。
It is required to enhance the monitoring of revenue source so as to scientize and modernize tax levy and management, and to construct a model of levy and management with multiple declaration, centralized collection, classified management and priority check. 加强税源监控是税收征管科学化、现代化的需要,也是构筑多元申报、集中征收、分类管理、重点稽查征管模式的需要。